Vol. 16 (2013)
«Dicir el deseo»

Amor hereos, Melancholia and Impotence: on a Horoscope by Girolamo Cardiano about his own Life

Massimo Ciavolella
University of California, Los Angeles

Publicado 2015-06-18

Palabras clave

  • fixation of the imagination,
  • heroes,
  • impotence,
  • obsession
  • fissazione dell’immaginazione,
  • hereos,
  • impotenza,
  • ossessione


In a lengthy horoscope written about himself Girolamo Cardano, renowned scholar, mathematician, physician, tries to impress on the mind of the reader two salient characteristics of his personality: the profundity of his mind and the overwhelming passionality that tormented him to the point of rendering him impotent for fourteen years. This article explains the “science” behind this “fixation of the imagination”, as erotic obsession was then called.