V. 17 (2014)

Polisemia in Dante e nel Libro de buen amor

Vittorio Marmo

Parole chiave

  • polisemia,
  • alegoría de los poetas,
  • alegoría de los teólogos,
  • Dante,
  • buen amor,
  • ...Più
  • polisemy,
  • allegory of poets,
  • allegory of theologians,
  • Dante,
  • buen amor.


No relationship between the Divine Comedy and the Libro de buen amor can be proven, yet it may be interesting to compare the polysemic structure shaping both works. The apex of the Middle Ages and the inception of the Modern Age inform these texts to a deep, surprising, and convergent level. This article only aims at offering a strong layout for further reflections, especially about the Buen amor.