About the Journal
Aim and scope
The Rivista di Filologia e Letterature Ispaniche began its publication in 1998, in continuity with the Miscellanea di Studi Ispanici (1963-1974), followed by Studi Ispanici (1976-1996). RFLI is proposed as a place of exchange and debate for scientific investigation in the Spanish context, mainly philological inspiration, but with an opening to new critical lines, always respecting fundamental analytical and methodological rigor. Publishes articles, notes and critical reviews on the literature of the Spanish area, without excluding a priori other peninsular linguistic areas; admits linguistic studies and insights into themes of the history of Hispanic culture.
Double-blind peer-review process
The Directors –or the Editors of the monographic section– will carry out a first evaluation of the collaboration proposals, to verify both their suitability to the thematic context and to the criteria of the RFLI as they are interested. This first rating may be totally favorable, suggesting corrections or disapproval of the publication. If at this stage the Directors find a reasonable suspicion of conduct such as plagiarism or self-plagiarism, they will verify the extent of it and decide whether to request a corrected version from the author or whether to reject the publication proposal. Should a member of the Steering Committee or the Editorial Committee decide to send a publication proposal, he or she must not be involved in any capacity in the evaluation process, not even in this preliminary discussion phase; management will be entrusted to one of the other components responsible for the evaluation process which will be followed after having operated, on the dashboard of the OJS page, an appropriate blackout of the account of the component in question. In the event of express rejection of a proposal, the directors and members of the editorial team will not use the unpublished materials contained in the rejected article for their own research, without the author’s written consent. Subsequently, the article will be evaluated – through the double blind or referring system –by two external specialists, in a confidential and anonymous manner. This process takes about three months between the uploading of authors’ submissions to the platform and the reviewers’ initial decision, although it may take longer if the peer reviewers disagree, in which case a third reviewer will be called upon. In the event of a conflict of opinions, the Directors are responsible for the final decision. The RFLI will send the authors the reviewers’ reports, justifying the acceptance or rejection of its respective proposals, and requesting, with appropriate and precise indications, possible modifications. In the case of substantial changes, the work is re-evaluated until final acceptance or return. The management of the magazine welcomes the collaboration of all evaluators who have carried out peer-reviewed evaluations for RFLI. All the works received have been informed by two external evaluators.
Open-access policy
There is an 24-month embargo on the publication of each new issue of RFLI. The contents no longer subject to embargo will be published under the Creative Commons license (https://creativecommons.it/chapterIT/index.php/license-your-work/) and the authors will be able to deposit their contributions in other institutional and thematic. The journal does not charge authors for the publication of their articles. If the author wishes to request immediate Open Access publication of his/her contribution, without waiting for the end of the embargo period, a fee of EUR 500.00 will be charged. To make this type of request, please contact our administrative office (amministrazione@edizioniets.com) and the journal manager (journals@edizioniets.com), indicating: the title of the article, the details of the file to which it belongs, the details of the person to whom the invoice should be addressed, the existence of any research funding.
Intellectual property rights
The articles published on RFLI are works subject to copyright. Their moral and intellectual property belongs exclusively to the author, who transfers the patrimonial ownership to Edizioni ETS during the 24 months of embargo that the publishing house applies to RFLI.