Editorial Team

Editorial Bodies

For the editorial production process, Rivista di Filologia e Letterature Ispaniche relies on three different bodies: the Editors-in-chief, the Scientific Committee, the Editorial Board. The responsibility of the Editors-in-chief covers the entire editorial process, from the structuring of the table of contents and the contents themselves to the application of criteria of quality, rigour and transparency, including completeness of information and conformity with the scientific objectives of RFLI. As set out in the Ethic Guidelines, Directors ensure that all parties involved in the review and production process fulfil their obligations. Papers are first viewed by the Editors-in-Chief and, in the case of a positive evaluation, subjected to a double-blind review process by experts who suggest any additions or change they deem necessary. All proposals are considered sensitive documents; if a paper receives a negative evaluation (due to a low level of quality, lack of originality or other serious shortcomings), the author will be informed immediately. With regard to contributions accepted and anonymously reviewed papers, which must not have been previously published nor be under evaluation elsewhere, the Editors-in-Chief reserve the right to make some final recommendations and carry out editorial refinement interventions. To better achieve these objectives, the Directors avail themselves of the collaboration of the Editorial Board to monitor the transparency of the review process, the linguistic adequacy of the contributions and their adherence to the editorial rules. The members of the Editorial Board cannot act as anonymous reviewers for the journal. They are responsible of coordinating correspondence with authors and  of protecting the personal data of authors and reviewers. The role of the Scientific Committee is to guarantee the journal's scientific prestige. However, their members can also act as anonymous reviewers, if they are specialists in one of the fields relevant to the contributions.


Giuseppe Di Stefano (Università di Pisa)

Fausta Antonucci (Università Roma Tre),

Flavia Gherardi (Università Federico II di Napoli)

Scientific committee

Carlos Alvar (Universidad de Alcalá de Henares), Ignacio Arellano (Universidad de Navarra), Antonio Azaustre Galiana
(Universidad de Santiago de Compostela), Manuel Aznar Soler (Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona), Andrea Baldissera (Università del Piemonte Orientale), Mercedes Blanco (Université Paris-Sorbonne), Anna Bognolo (Università di Verona), Pedro M. Cátedra (Università di Salamanca e Real Academia Española), Anne Cayuela (Université de Grenoble), Daniele Crivellari (Università degli Studi di Salerno), Enrico Di Pastena (Università di Pisa), Aurora Egido (Real Academia Española), Inés Fernández-Ordóñez (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid y Real Academia Española), María Teresa Ferrer Valls (Universidad de Valencia), Leonardo Funes (Universidad de Buenos Aires), Marco Kunz (Université de Lausanne), José Lara Garrido (Universidad de Málaga), Valentina Nider (Università di Bologna), Ignacio Javier López (University of Pennsylvania), José Manuel Lucía Megías (Universidad Complutense de Madrid), Juan Montero (Universidad de Sevilla), Gonzalo Pontón Gijón (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona), José Antonio Pascual Rodríguez (Real Academia Española), Marco Presotto (Università di Trento), Lola Pons Rodríguez (Universidad de Sevilla), Pedro Ruiz Pérez (Universidad de Córdoba), Paolo Tanganelli (Università di Ferrara), María Cleofé Tato (Universidad de La Coruña), Isabella Tomassetti (Università
“La Sapienza” di Roma)

Editorial team

Rosa María García Jiménez (Università di Pisa), Alessandra Ghezzani (Università di Pisa), Sara Pezzini (Università Roma Tre), Ilaria Resta (Università Roma Tre), Gennaro Schiano (Università Federico II di Napoli), Assunta Claudia Scotto di Carlo (Università Federico II di Napoli)

Editorial team manager

Selena Simonatti (Università di Pisa)