The Greco-Latin (Sub)Genres in the poetry of Quevedo
Published 2023-09-22
- géneros grecolatinos,
- Quevedo,
- Poesía española,
- idilios,
- oda pindárica
- epitafio,
- sátira,
- epístola ...More
- generi greco-latini,
- Quevedo,
- idillio,
- inno,
- ode pindarica
- Quevedo,
- Epitaph,
- Pindaric ode,
- Hymn,
- Idyll
Analysis of the Greco-Latin Poetic Genres (pindaric ode, epinitius, propemptikon, genethliacon, hymn, epigram, epitaph, sermon, epistle, idyll) as structural patterns for the composition of the poetry of Quevedo.