Vol. 27 (2024)

Liter(r)ature as salvation: inter and intratextuality in El corazón del daño by María Negroni: Inter e intratestualità ne 'El corazón del daño' di María Negroni

Federica Rocco
Università di Udine

Published 2024-12-05


  • María Negroni,
  • El corazón del daño,
  • letteratura argentina,
  • intertestualità,
  • intratestualità
  • Maria Negroni,
  • El corazón del daño,
  • intertextuality,
  • argentinian literature,
  • intratextuality


Negroni’s nomadic writing is base don the use of memory for the purposes of the fictitious transformation og her own and others’ experiences and produces narratives in which she experiements with language, with regarding and with reflections inherent to the challenges of artistic creation. Conventionally considered a novel, El corazón del daño is a poetic and essayistic hibrid artefact in which dense inter- and intratextual network is the backdrop of the story of a woman who tells of the losses and sacrifices faced in transforming herself from a reader into a writer: starting from childhood in which she takes refuge in books to compensate for her mother’s coldness and distance, passing through the militancy of the 70s, the emigration of the 80s, the publications, the return to Argentina, up to the death of her mother and beyond, because for the woman who writes the struggle with language persists beyond the conflict between mother and daughter.